To provide the most personalized service, product support is handled locally for our customers. Within North America, all projects are assigned a Project Manager and a Lead Programmer to assist you with installation, implementation questions and other technical issues with your project.
Personalized Services for You and Your Lab
North America
Phone +1-201-251-2101
Phone +49-6074-7298660
QSI Support Site
QSI provides each customer with their own secure support website. This level of interaction is convenient because issues can be registered and documented at any time from any device, and it will be directed to the QSI subject matter expert for rapid resolution. In addition, a secure, convenient file sharing site is included to rapidly implement software and documentation updates. Of course, our remote support includes interactive tools such as Citrix GoToMeeting or Microsoft Teams to allow us to be ‘on-site’ within seconds.
WinLIMS® Help
You can receive support via telephone, a personalized support site and/or via remote interactive sessions via QSI’s unique Help Desk service. When working with QSI, you’re always connected directly to the QSI Project Manager who implemented your system and knows the details of your specific environment. You’re never relegated to an outsourced answer desk. Help consists of every aspect of your system including, on-line training, system configuration, customization (when needed), report design, documentation, as well as general consultation.
Technical Details
WinLIMS® is a web application that can run in your browser, on your tablet or your smartphone. WinLIMS® is hosted on Windows Server with Internet Information Services (IIS) and uses SQL Server or Oracle as the database engine. The servers are typically virtual machines running the Microsoft stack either running on-premises or hosted out in the cloud.
Server Configuration
WinLIMS® runs on any modern Windows Server that is under Microsoft support. Typically these are on-premises virtual machines or virtual machines running in the cloud (Azure, AWS, etc.). Therefore right sizing servers for optimal performance depends upon many related factors that need to be considered:
- the number of concurrent users
- laboratory sample throughput
- the amount of data that is contained in the underlying database
- the data retention policy
- the network bandwidth
- the database brand and edition used*
Memory, disk and processor recommendations are the same for cloud-based or traditional on-premises environments but cloud environments present these costs in stark terms. That said, right-sizing in a virtual environment has advantages: incremental adjustments can be made as usage increases and sizing can be adjusted to varying workload loads or to reign in costs.
If you have questions on server specifications or on right sizing your servers for maximum performance, please contact us to talk about these issues in greater detail.
*WinLIMS will run on any modern version of SQL Server and all editions including Web, Standard and Enterprise (but Web and Standard editions have RAM limits that directly affect server specifications). WinLIMS can also run on any modern version of Oracle.
Unauthorized Support Providers
Support for WinLIMS® is always provided by QSI’s in-house staff. Support is never outsourced, so you can expect a high level of expertise and familiarization with your configuration. In addition, WinLIMS® support includes continuous improvements and software upgrades to ensure that you’re always using the world’s most modern LIMS Software.